I am running a Dell Precision M65 Laptop w/Core Duo and 1 GB of RAM. For the past 2 weeks I have tinkered with this to no avail. I have sought Removing the Embassy Trust Suit by Wave Systems, but, It wont remove; so I decided to delete the Embassy Trust Suite Folder...I know this could be a mistake but at this point I'm trying everything. That still doesn't work. I've installed, per recommendation of some, Quick Time 7.1.3 in lieu of the 7.1.5, set the Aimuni printer as default, etc. , etc. , to no avail. Is it possible this computer will simply never be able to run ArchiCad 10? I bought this machine but 4 mos ago for this very purpose and am now considering buying a different machine in order to keep up with my ArchiCad class. Please help, someone.