Plz. correct me if I'm wrong & help me to understand why Unicode for Armenian Language in ArchiCAD 11 doesn't work?
1. Is AC11 Full compatible with Unicode Standards?
2. It's not possible to type armenian with Unicode. Before in AC 6~9 it was possible to write in Armenain Language using other then unicode encoding . For example in AC9 is possible to write Armenian (ANSI encoding) in ID field, you will not see correct characters there, but it will look correct in Labels or library objects if armenian font with western encoding is choosed.
Now in AC 11 it's possible to write in armenian only by using Text Tool, but again it's not possible to write in unicode.
I'm asking to GS: is this because I didn't see "Armenian" in Font Script Code List reported by GS?
3. Can I solve this problem, if I create some special font or Keyboard Layout using FontCreator & MS Keyboard Leyout Creator?
I need more info about AC11+Unicode.