I KNOW, that AC 15- is not tested for Windows 8.1. And YES, AC 17 is amazing, BUT I have to use older versions too. So I made similar experiences like Rashid.
At least I got installed the following versions:
AC16-64 incl. hotfixes
AC15-64 incl. hotfixes
AC14-64 incl. hotfixes
I made it in the order above.
First I installed the last QT version by apple site.
For all versions: I started the installation file and unchecked the "delete temp. files". I stoped after the files are extracted and installed first and "manual" from windows explorer the javaVM. 2nd I started the AC installation process. All installations by right-click "by administrator".
With AC13 the troubles began. At the registration process the installation failed by missing an installed DLL. I do not know why.
I uninstalled the codemeter 4.1 driver by system control panel and installed manual the codemeter v4.50c-64 from GS website. Not shure this is necessary, but not bad either.
After that I started the AC13 installation process again from the temporary file set and the installation program offered a repair installation. I do not know why, but this time the registration process is not skipped after an error message. Finally AC 13 works.
Doing the last hotfix (3835-64) destroyes the complete installation and I had to do the complete AC13 installation again. Removingfolders manual included. So no hotfix so far. I do not have earlier hotfixes to test again.
So I did not got the latest version, but better than no one.
It worked the same way with AC 11, but NOT with AC12. AC12 stops right at the beginning with an error message. The AC11 and AC13 installer runs the installation process until all files are on the hd, but not so AC12.
Maybe this is helpful for anyone.
It may look like an alternative way to install all AC versions on windows 8 and upgrade afterwards. I did this before, but my laptop was instable after upgrading tu 8.1 (unreproduceable bluescreens). It is not sure, that this was the fault of the AC installations, but I would not give it a try again.