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i can't produce a generic 3d prespective....

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i have archiCAD 10 for mac.. in a G4 powerpc last generation (no macintel, just mac)

i was in the middle of my project when i double clicked the G3dP window icon just to come across with a line and a crosshair in its left side... i tried to zoom out ... i tried to rotate it nothing works..

i had friends with the same problem.. one of them.. said that the same thing happened to him right after he used the trim tool with no effect... whats going on how do i solve this? and how do i prevent this from happening again when resolved?

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This has been discussed several times, including HERE. You're probably just not looking at your model. (might be you're looking straight up or straight down, makes it hard to find)
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thanks it worked like a charm....
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Strange, it just happened to me also. But nothing helps. I can see axonometry but no perspective. If I change the position of camera in 3D window settings I still dont see anything, but when I select all (ctrl A) I can see wireframe of all objects.

If I place a camera in floorplan I can not select it in navigator and if I select it in plan and show in 3D it jumps to Generic perspective at once. And still not seeing anything. I tried to merge or copy to a new file, but nothing helps
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And here is the picture, how it looks like.
After opening the 3D window, just do a redraw. The thing should show.

Are you maybe running an ATI video card?

Now ... if I were a rich man ... please include your Archicad and hardware specs in your signature?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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It doesn help. Not redraw, not rebuild, not changig position in 3d window settings. I have tried so many things. The thing is that I can not select any camera in navigator. As soon as I doubleclik on it it jumps to generic perspective.

It happend on our Dell precision 880 pentium 4cpu 3ghz, 1gb ram, quadro fx 1400 128mb. If I open it on my machine (and there are hw specs in my signature) it is the same. Ac 10 has all updates.
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Me also having that problem.. when i want to view perspective, after i rotate and work some in perspective, then everything dissapear.. that doesn't happen in axonometric view.. i try to click fit to window but then nothings happen.. just a blank white screen.. so i have to go to my previous saved files, then open it and try to avoid beeing far or away from my building.. i think this maybe happen because of i'm not facing the building.. but how do i want to face it back.. please archicad 10, help us...
David Maudlin
Try this thread:
perspective view bug

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14