I use Imac snow leopard 6.2 machine and using boot camp to log in to windows 7 pro 64 bit.
I try to install AC13 on this 64 bit OS. I have problem with the quicktime, giving error message missing/outdated as discussed in the wiki , and I have fallowed the instruction to install 3 of the EXE files in the support folder of the DVD, I still could not open AC13 and having the same problem on this Windows7 OS, i am able to open AC13 on Mac os running 32 bit, and also with parallels windows 7 but since this windows 7 is running 64bit on virtual mode, It takes for ever to open up a big file. My goal is to run AC13 with boot camp so that I will run AC13 on windows 7 full 64 bit mode. Any body can explain what the problem I have so that I can install AC13 utilize the full 64 bit in windows Os, my issue at this time is working in Mac Os 32 bit, I am running out of memeory due to large file.
Thank you. !