I`m trying to draw the curved surfaces with archiforma tool and archicad10. I have drawn 2 curved polylines in the section-elevation, placed into plan, but when I try to take this translational tool, archicad doesn't consider polylines (it says:"Attention- select two 3D polylines"). But I already DO!!!
Does anybody touched with the same problem?
I'm not quite sure I understand what you're trying to do. But I know that Archicad doesn't show 2D entities (lines, polylines, fills etc) in 3D unless they are included in a 3D dwg file, imported as a 3D object (hint: workaround
In Archiforma the two polylines must have the same number of nodes. Whish makes it asmost impossibleto do if you use splines. This is the reason I do not use it for making surfaces.
If you can work in Autocad make the surface there and import it in AC.