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2 Error Messages: Not Converted Properly / Line 164

Not applicable
Did a bit of searching but found no direct references.

Problem has to do with old AC 7.3 projects that I need to migrate to AC11. What I've been doing in terms of the Old Library Parts, has been that I create a ".LIB" folder within the project's folder and add this LIB file together with the AC11 LIB. So far so good: no duplicates, no parts missing.

But whenever I go to the S/E views or 3D view, the following error windows come up:
Type 1: "Library part was not converted properly." [whole bunch of these]
Type 2: "Polygon is degenerated at line 164 in the 3d script of the wa_frame_us_10.gsm" [only 2 of these]

Any help is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
I have experienced this.

Of course you don't get a problem in plan view, because the application only addresses a relatively simple symbol. When you go to 3D, script weaknesses and GDL impossibilities emerge.

My solution, which might not be the best solution, is to locate the elements with the improper macro call and manually update [replace] them to the element in the current library.

I believe that the "wa" refers to some particular awning windows.

Your attempts to migrate forward notwithstanding, sometimes entire categories of elements just can't make the jump. GDL is an evolving language.

To fix problems like this can be infuriating until you get a hint about the problem. Using the trial and error method of eliminating half of the layers and testing the view until the errors stop, you might be able to isolate the problem and replace the elements with modern ones.

You have my sympathy.
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
Please do a search using the keyword wa_frame_us_10.gsm .
You will find others with similar problems with that macro and
some possible solutions. As to the issue "Library part was not converted properly." , this happened frequently in the transition from pre-AC 8
to AC 8 and latter version. In fact, there was a command in AC 8 to
convert all library parts that, after the conversion was done, many
error reports of this type occurred. Graphisoft US Technical Resources
had to issue a statement saying ignore these warnings everything is fine.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
In the interim... a NOT-SO-CLEAN solution:

Load the AC11.LIB
Load the full AC70.LIB
Load the project's Custom.LIB

Of course I get duplicates in the Library Loading Report, but the errors go away. AC11 behaves well, and no crashes [so far] when switching to S/E or 3D views.

BTW, found that the Not Converted Properly error had to do with the fact that although lib parts were copied manually into the project's Custom.LIB, there were parts associated with the objects that weren't copied and so the errors occured. Example: Window 70 was missing the Shutters Settings and Sash & Grill Settings, both under the Settings Tab.

We started switching parts to the AC11 library parts, but as you may imagine, it's a very time consuming task. Unless conflicts start again we're going to stick to this soliuion for the migration process.

Thanks for the replies.