Here I have an issue with referring to some object file.
We have received an library file from our client in Japanese version. But when we loaded these library files in the project, We got an error in the dialog box where the text in the parameters and Settings looks in “ ??????? “ red color as showin in attached snap shot .
The few settings had came as in English black circle. How can I resolve this issue.
Ho w can i get the parameter details, setting detail fonts in english font.
Can i get some proper procedure to solve this issue.
Vijay, your machine does not recognize the Japanese characters and if it did, you'd have to know how to read the language. This library will not show you object parameters in English.
My machine is having the japanese font by default in its OS.
But here the issue is related to the parameters and settings text which I am not able to view in japanese font too nor in English.
If i get atleast it in Japanese font Iwould have translate those.
It is related t o script or programming of the Object file ??