mul2 A/2.150000, B/2.150000
this scales the object when you change the width and height
The putvolume parameter needs to be a number greater than 1, as arrays start at 1 in GDL, a values list in parameter script or master script can solve this...
VALUES "parameter_name" [,]value_definition1 [, value_definition2, ...]
i.e. values "putVolume" 1500,2000,3000,5000,7000,10000,15000,20000
straal needs to be a number, not text (as you can't use text for the poly2_b{5} command)
define the numbers without Quotes
typePut[2000][1] = 2000 !inhoud
typePut[2000][2] = -0.75 !straal
(no gaps in the numbers or it will error, 20 000 does not work)
STR (numeric_expression, length, fractions)
this will convert numbers to text for use in the paragraph (length is actually minimum length of text)
i.e. Volume = str(typePut[putVolume][1] ,1,0)
or if you want to keep your system formatting
STR (format_string, numeric_expression)
i.e.Volume = str("%#.0",typePut[putVolume][1])
get rid of the exponent numbers and change them to 0...to have the center of the circle an atoms width off center annoys me...
poly2_b{5} 9, 3, 1, 3, putSolid, putEmpty,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
straal, 0, 33,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033
if you still have errors...then try
when you make the parameters in the parameters list
putfill needs to be a Fill type
putSolid needs to be a Pen Type
putEmpty needs to be a Pen Type
putVolume needs to be a Real number or Interger type, as the actual number for length is based on meters and the displayed number may be mm or another unit. this would mean you have a much larger number i.e.1500000 for the smallest tank.
or just asign intergers
for putSolid pen 1 to 255
for putEmpty pen -1 to 255
for putfill 65(background or empty fill) or 64(solid or foreground fill)
i hope this helps
in parameter script
values "putVolume" 1500,2000,3000,5000,7000,10000,15000,20000
in 2d script
DIM typePut[][]
typePut[1500][1] = 1500 !inhoud
typePut[1500][2] = -0.75 !straal
typePut[2000][1] = 2000 !inhoud
typePut[2000][2] = -0.75 !straal
typePut[3000][1] = 3000 !inhoud
typePut[3000][2] = -0.875 !straal
typePut[5000][1] = 5000 !inhoud
typePut[5000][2] = -1.075 !straal
typePut[7000][1] = 7000 !inhoud
typePut[7000][2] = -1.225 !straal
typePut[10000][1] = 10000 !inhoud
typePut[10000][2] = -1.500 !straal
typePut[15000][1] = 15000 !inhoud
typePut[15000][2] = -1.500 !straal
typePut[20000][1] = 20000 !inhoud
typePut[20000][2] = -1.725 !straal
DEFINE STYLE "tekstVetMiddel" "Arial Narrow Bold", 2.5,1,0
DEFINE STYLE "tekstKlein" "Arial Narrow", 1.5,1,0
Volume = str("%#.0",typePut[putVolume][1])
PARAGRAPH "putTekstPara" 2,
STYLE "tekstVetMiddel"
"Regenwaterput ("+ Volume +" liter)\n"
STYLE "tekstKlein"
"volgens verordening hemelwater"
TEXTBLOCK "putTekst" 0,
5, !anchor
0, !angle
1, !width_factor
1, !charspace_factor
1, !fixed_height 1=mm, 0=m
RICHTEXT2 0,0, "putTekst"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Needs to be a number
straal = typePut[putVolume][2]
fill putFill
poly2_b{5} 9, 3, 1, 3, putSolid, putEmpty,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
straal, 0, 33,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033,
0, 0, 900,
0, -90, 4033