I use the following code to autoscale lines and circles that make up the 2d part of my object.
I drew it @ 1/8" scale so that's why I had to use /96 in the code.
MUL2 GLOB_SCALE/96,GLOB_SCALE/96 !Autoscaling
My question is when it scales itself. the object moves in plan. It moves just a little bit 11/16" from 1/8" scale to 1/4" scale. Here's some of the code:
MUL2 GLOB_SCALE/96,GLOB_SCALE/96 !Autoscaling
PEN cpen
LINE2 0'-0.0000", 0'-2.0157"+1.375", 1'-9.6614", 0'-2.0157"+1.375"
LINE2 0'-0.0000", -0'-2.0157"+1.375", 1'-9.6614", -0'-2.0157"+1.375"
CIRCLE2 1'-4.0079", 0'-0.0000"+1.375", 0'-6.0000"
HOTSPOT2 0,+1.375",0
HOTSPOT2 1'-4.0079",+1.375",0
DEFINE STYLE STYLE_1 "Arial", 35 * MIN (a, b), 7, 0
The code starts the object @ the center, where I want it to scale from. But it seems to be scaling the object from some other point. Is it because I drew the object @ 1/8" scale to begin with????
Thanks for any ideas,