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Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Become a registered object developer

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This is a spin off of the topic Custom GDL objects for FREE.
ztaskai wrote:
Master wrote:

Zsolt: no problem, I think it is better that GS takes care of its own library, than there is more time for developing ArchiCAD. I do think though, that a little more stimulation for independent object developers would be good for ArchiCAD. You need to understand that objects and GDL are one of the most powerful assets of ArchiCAD. There are a lot of topics on this forum, demanding more action on the GDL front, like this one on Updating the Object Depository.
Maybe this might be a good idea: A reward for the best object uploaded to the Object depository each month (picked at random or by vote), it could fill up the depository rapidly. Or the possibility to become a registered object developer (I know you can become a registered API developer), would make it saver for ArchiCAD users to approach developers.
I like your ideas a lot. Renewing Object Depository into something more social is one of my favorite topics. Unfortunately, I don't have the momentum to set up such a multidisciplinary project like that - yet. I will try harder next year.
Then is a good time to discuss what we can do about it. Updating the Object Depository discussion here.
I have got some more ideas. When you make object developers register, GS can enforce rules about how to set up objects. For instance every object must have Parameters for Listing, or a detail level. It can give more constency to objects.

But are object developers interested in becoming registered?

sorry guys .. well it was a joke but hope i made it a little bit clearer now

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
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I'd played along, I thought it was funny! A pity that it is revealed so quickly. I was really curious about all the reactions!
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Sorry about that Took me a few minutes to figure out despite the 'search and replace' comment, so I was just trying to be helpful to anyone else coming across it. Not that I don't enjoy a good post!

And my first reaction was to google "GDL 2" hoping to find the holy grail of creating GDL objects, when that didn't happen, I had to come back and read the thread.
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You've completely hit the spot! I couldn't agree with you more about everything you said.
I've only recently started to mess around with GDL and there's always a little voice that keeps saying that I'm not cut out to be a programmer nor should I be (as 99% of my colleagues also think!). Still I'll keep trying out of need.

GDL 2 would be a real dream come true and Graphisoft would only benefit from your vision.

Thanks for asking for what the majority of us (Architects) only think about.

[Edit]: I found documentation for Xpresso i had not previously, despite it hiding in plain sight. So edited out a comment regarding it below - its still not great (cryptic like the GDL manual), just not as bad as i said before.

Another example - much closer to home - is the Xpresso scripting editor in Maxon's Cinema 4D. This is also a nodal script editor like Grasshopper - although not nearly as well documented (i.e what documentation) or popular.

You can drag objects in from the modeling window to the Xpresso window and they are added as a node for that element (e.g a 3D cube is translated to how Xpresso defines a cube ... which is actually the same thing to C4D, just different interface mode)

anyway .. using Xpresso you could create parametric objects like doors, windows, curtain walls, etc for use in C4D, and you don't need to type any code. Unfortunately the documentation isn't that great.

I bring this up because:

a) Maxon and Graphisoft are owned by the same company

b) C4D and ArchiCAD have a degree of interoperability through the modelling exchange plugin. It has its issues but is still a much better option than importing from other 3D apps where your options are pretty limited.



Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
Not applicable
I agree that GDL 2tm is great, though It should not be called GDL:

it is an interface to connect building elements in logical ways (using nodes), not only geometries inside objects.

It is actually the GenerativeModellingEnvironnment for Archicad, also called the GME (or GMECad, or ArchiGM)

About the objects creation, I don't really believe that you can make it easier by using visual interface. It would be maybe easier to make simple things, but more complicated for evoluated things.
You can have a preview of this in Sketchup's "dynamic components" and Revit's families, which are in no way comparable to GDL.
Though it could be useful for some users.
I'd rather vote for a more modern language, (a simple object oriented language, á la ruby or maxscript (please no visual basic)) that would make it easier to handle complex objects.

I guess the GME could be achieved by an external (team of) programmer(s) using the actual Archicad as it is now through the SDK.
Some volunteer?

Make it a wish BTW