I try to make a gdl-object by scripting.
I try to use the CWALL_ command to make someting like the illustration.
Everythig is understandable until the last parameters, a1, b1 ...
I've read the manual, but I need an example that is more like my figure.
My wall is just a simple wall with an opening in it.
CWALL_ left_material, right_material, side_material,
height, x1, x2, x3, x4, t,
mask1, mask2, mask3, mask4,
x_start1, y_low1, x_end1, y_high1, frame_shown1,
x_startn, y_lown, x_endn, y_highn, frame_shownn,
a1, b1, c1, d1,
am, bm, cm, dm