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Libraries & objects
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Can't see image fill with DEFINE IMAGE_FILL

Not applicable
I try to use DEFINE IMAGE_FILL on object in 2d window.
But nothing as result.
Please, help me, who already did it?

image_name = "vavilon.jpg"
image_vert_size = 200
image_hor_size = 200
image_mask = 0
image_rotangle = 0
pp = 0
part1 = pp
part2 = pp
part3 = pp
part4 = pp
part5 = pp
part6 = pp
part7 = pp
part8 = pp

DEFINE IMAGE_FILL "brickimage" image_name, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8, image_vert_size, image_hor_size, image_mask, image_rotangle
fill "brickimage"

poly2_b{5} 5, 3, 2, 3, penAttribute_2, penAttribute_3,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
27.32757374718, 31.2200863471, 1,
40.26051684034, 31.2200863471, 1,
40.26051684034, 25.63752098315, 1,
27.32757374718, 25.63752098315, 1,
27.32757374718, 31.2200863471, 1
Pertti Paasky

Once you have set the fill definition, do not change names any more.
try with new imagefile and imagename.
Place the object in the floor plan.
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“A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.”
George M. Moore, Jr.