I need to make a new change marker (really a modification of the Basic Change marker) I am working with Change Orders, and need to be able to show ChangeID and CO number in the marker, and in the Revision history object.
So I add a line in the Change Details Scheme (CO-nr), and I can use that as an autotext in the Revision History Detailed object. Fine! (and in indexes)
But I can not use it as an autotext in the Basic Change Marker. I have tried to make a copy of the Basic Change Marker, and modify that. And it seems possible if I do a change in the masterscript:
_sAutotextMenu[6][AUTOTEXT_DESC] = `CO Number`
_sAutotextMenu[6][AUTOTEXT_KEY] = "<CONR>"
But it does not work.
I would be very happy if someone can help......
🙂 Odd Goderstad
GS Norge
Oslo, Norway
Always the latest version ArchiCAD mostly on Windows
twitter: @OddGoderstad