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Changing the "Material" from a Pen Color to a PICT

Not applicable
OK You GDL guru's, I have been humbled by my inability to modify an existing object. I have been tinkering with one of the Alfaville people, trying to get it to resemble a Hunter. I found a nice camouflage bitmap with Google and have imported it into my personal library of textures in ArchiCAD.

The Aflaville object I started with uses pens to define the various parts (hair, skin, shirt, etc.) After saving a copy and renaming it "hunter" I opened the hunter object (using File>GDL Objects>Open Object command) and I changed the little icon in the object parameters window from a pen icon to a picture icon, and was able to select my new camouflage material, which in this case is material #215.

After I save the object and go back to the 3D window, the shirt and pants are using pen #215. On my computer pen 215 is pinkish and the hunter looks like he is from San Francisco!

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? I have tried placing Material #215 in the Arrary table with no better results. I have tried fiddling with the 3D Script but I am getting in over my head there.

The only thing I have been able to do is make the entire hunter camouflaged, but I want the skin, hair, etc. to be something other than camouflaged!

Picture 12.png
Frank Beister
Hello Robert,

it can not work this way you have done.

1. Choosing an attribute in the parameter list is choosing the index of the attribute in the internal list of this attribute. As there are 255 indexed colors, there is a list of fills and a list of materials and lines. They have nothing common between each other.
If the author uses a PEN parameter he will use it as setting the pen with PEN number. I you change to metrial nothing changes the PEN-statement in the script.

2. The material will be defined anywhere in the 3D-script with a DEFINE MATERIAL name, type, ... Search this and have a look on them referring to the gdl manual. This command can have up to 19 controls for the material (without the possibility to change lightwork material too.)
After defining the materials there have to be MATERIAL or SET MATERIAL commands. Have a look for them. HERE you could change the commands to MATERIAL yourmaterialname.

I don't know, how the objects are written (skript/binary) so search the [DEFINE] MATERIAL commands and post them here. Maybe we can help you.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of selfGDL.de | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm