Julia wrote:
One thing I do to speed things up is give the user the ability to change the resol. That way they can have it fairly low most of the time.
Julia is right, better to start by this point. This can save a lot of time for 3D calculations.
Another setting is the use of the "shadow on/off" command, specially for small details.
For eg. take a cylinder.
resol 36 & shadow on, --> 98 polygones
resol 36 & shadow off, --> 38 polygones
resol 18 & shadow on, --> 53 polygones
resol 18 & shadow off, --> 20 polygones
For a simple tore, section resol 36 and path resol 36, --> more than 2000 pgons!
And twice more in case of triangulation.
These small settings can be important at the end.
Note also that closed bodies regenerate faster in 3D than open ones.