2 weeks ago
Since vectorworks and ArchiCAD come from the same company I was wondering why AC doesn't use the same idea...much faster, better and intuitive.
a week ago - last edited a week ago
the ammount of little but very useful inovations they have done to vectorworks in the last five years, at least from what can be seen from videos as i have never used it, is simply staggering.
Nemetschek, the parent company also owns Allplan, but it seems each software operates completely independent from each other;
If, in reality each company is left to their own devices, its clear vectorworks have won and ArchiCAD has messed up BIG time.
Or, on the other hand, if the 3 software companies are part of a higher strategic plan, it seems at least from the outside, that ArchiCAD is the one that has been left out of favor (not unrelated to having messed it up so much), so all innovation budget cut and they are just milking it as long as they can.
otherwise how could one explain vectorworks keeps churning out these kind of tools, while Archicad cant even develop a decent keynote work flow?
a week ago
From what I've seen, Vectorworks is primarily used for designing stages, arenas, events, and landscaping. However, it offers a wide range of tools that, if integrated into ArchiCAD, could make it the ultimate BIM software.