To say that help lies may be a little unkind. Maybe it is just very optimistic or assumes you already know how to make library parts or script in GDL or... well maybe it lies just a little
Really though, a basic title is quite simple. You can draw lines, circles, fills, etc, and place text in the 2D Symbol window of the library part. If you use auto-text it can insert the appropriate information such as drawing name and number etc.
The graphic scale is a bit more trouble. If you draw it in the symbol you will need to make different titles for each scale that you plan to use. To make it change automatically according to the drawing scale requires scripting.
The north arrow definitely requires scripting (unless it always points the same direction) and will probably be easier for you to place independently of the title.
If you do decide to try your hand at scripting, DO NOT start with the GS supplied parts. In order to be all things to all people all over the place they are way too complicated (424 lines of code in the "Simple Title 11", 876 in the built-in title) to bother editing just to make your own simple part. The title type parts are actually among the easiest things to write scripts for. The only odd quirks I have found is when you want to constrain the title to a non-standard position or otherwise make it respond automatically to the drawing size and/or rotation on paper.
For the graphic scale there is also the possibility of a hybrid drawing/scripting approach. The 2D symbol uses 16 "fragments" (the equivalent of layers) that you can draw on to create the graphics for the main title and the different scales which can then be called from the 2D script using the "Fragment2' statement. This way you can draw the drawing name & number, rules, circles etc on fragment 1 and have fifteen graphic scales to choose from.
This can be done automatically with repeated IF THEN statements such as:
IF GLOB_SCALE = 48 THEN Fragment2 4, 0 ! 1/4" graphic scale
IF GLOB_SCALE = 96 THEN Fragment2 8, 0 ! 1/8" graphic scale
The GDL Reference has the basic (if somewhat cryptic) instructions.