Yes, you are right. With the german version of the curved Curtain Wall it is the same.
You can disable a part of the script, so it seems to work for me, although i did not check this entirely:
Open the object and go to the Parameter script; go to the following lines and comment them out (activate the lines and click on the exclamation mark).
!IF glob_modpar_name="A" OR glob_modpar_name="zzyzx" OR glob_modpar_name="pw" OR\
! glob_modpar_name="fpw" OR glob_modpar_name="tph" OR glob_modpar_name="bph" OR\
! glob_modpar_name="nhd" OR glob_modpar_name="alfa" OR\
! glob_modpar_name="rad" OR glob_modpar_name="eep" THEN
! cc=1
! FOR i=1 TO m+2
! parameters cx
! (tph-gph)*SGN(tph)
! NEXT i
! FOR i=m+3 TO 20
! parameters cx
! NEXT i
! FOR i=1 TO n+2
! parameters cy
! pw+INT(i/(n+2))*(epw-pw)
! parameters ca
! NEXT i
! FOR i=n+3 TO 50
! parameters cy
! parameters ca
! NEXT i
! cc=0
This part of the script is not really necessary, it just sets parameters automatically, which you can define also by hand.
Jochen Suehlo . AC12-28 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: