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Curtain Wall object

I've searched the forum for something that covers this problem, but I didnt find anything. If I am repeating an issue that has already been expressed, I apologize.

I am working on a project where we use several instances of curtain wall - both straight and curved. I have found that the curved curtain wall object (or window) is absolutely rediculous. Anytime you change anything in the object, even something as simple material, all of the mullion spacing resets to its default. When I type in specific parameters for mullions, unless i specify some odd number beyond what I actually need the entire object goes crazy. (for instance: if I only need 7 heights specified up to 30ft, I have to specify addition mullion heights beyond that for it not to go crazy).

Has anyone else used this and thought this? Has there been a fix or update for this that I dont know about? I dont want someone to tell me there is a workaround with another tool. If there is a curtain wall tool in the object I think it should be useable and not some half baked idea.

While I'm thinking about it, (this may be a wish item) wouldnt it be nice if we could change the materials of individual panels and mullions in the object? The idea of having to drop additional money or spend hours learning how to code to get objects that work is beyond me.
RA 2012 x64, Piranesi 6 Pro, Sketchup 8, Windows 7 Pro x64, Intel Core i7, 10GB RAM, ATI Radeon Mobile 5870
Jochen Suehlo
Yes, you are right. With the german version of the curved Curtain Wall it is the same.
You can disable a part of the script, so it seems to work for me, although i did not check this entirely:
Open the object and go to the Parameter script; go to the following lines and comment them out (activate the lines and click on the exclamation mark).

!IF glob_modpar_name="A" OR glob_modpar_name="zzyzx" OR glob_modpar_name="pw" OR\
! glob_modpar_name="fpw" OR glob_modpar_name="tph" OR glob_modpar_name="bph" OR\
! glob_modpar_name="nhd" OR glob_modpar_name="alfa" OR\
! glob_modpar_name="rad" OR glob_modpar_name="eep" THEN
! cc=1
! FOR i=1 TO m+2
! parameters cx=fft/2*bf+bph*SGN(i-1)+(i-2)*SGN(i-1)*gph+INT(i/(m+2))*\
! (tph-gph)*SGN(tph)
! NEXT i
! FOR i=m+3 TO 20
! parameters cx=0
! NEXT i
! FOR i=1 TO n+2
! parameters cy=fftl/2+fpw*SGN(i-1)+(i-2)*SGN(i-1)*\
! pw+INT(i/(n+2))*(epw-pw)
! parameters ca=cy/a*alfa
! NEXT i
! FOR i=n+3 TO 50
! parameters cy=0
! parameters ca=0
! NEXT i
! cc=0

This part of the script is not really necessary, it just sets parameters automatically, which you can define also by hand.
Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de