Libraries & objects
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Custom panel door-window disappearing in AC12-14

Not applicable
When i make an custom panel with File->Libraries and Objects->save Custom Compenent-> Custom Panel Door or Custom Window Panel. It's makes with no problem, but when i go to door-window properties to custom panel and i give the option to custom panel, in 3d it's apear empty, no customize.

Can I give to a one of sheet roof (one sheet, not the all roof, just at one sheet of roof) two slopes (inclinations) in the same time. I know I can give one slope but two slopes in the same time!?
Not applicable
how ca i put an window like in the picture uploaded upper?
Regarding the custom panel object. This must be a bug. They disappear on my projects. The only way to bring them back is is saving a new custom door panel or shutter. Nothing else works, not even reloading libraries.
Diego Torres
Architect-CG Artist
Architectural Concepts and Visualizations
ArchiCAD 4.55 - 24