Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Defaults for Library objects (continued)

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Since every item in my 10 library is set to fill 85 (dressed fieldstone--not very attractive as a toilet seat finish in either the real or CAD world's), is there a way to change this default globally?

I found some old discussion (2003) on this, but no one came up with a solution that does not involve going through every possible object and setting the individual parameters for hundreds of setting across dozens of items.

I'm changing fill 85 as an interim measure, but what about changing parameters (lines, etc.) globally. I'm sure we all spend hours changing objects of the course of a year that could be put to better use...
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Index #85 was (and may still be) the default "Empty Fill" in ArchiCAD. Many library parts have a parameter set to this fill as the default cover fill. Unfortunately the parameter only remembers the index number. If the indexes change the part will use whatever fill is currently #85. If there is no #85, I think it defaults to #1 (which as I recall is "Common Brick" in the US defaults).

I have avoided this problem so far in my own parts by hard coding the cover fill as "Empty Fill" since it was impossible to delete this up to AC9. In 10 it is now possible to delete it so I may have to be more careful. I have long thought that GS should set fills #1 and #2 (or 1 and 0 if that works) to "Solid Fill" and "Empty Fill" and just lock them in. It would probably also be good to predefine a standard (but optional) set of fills with numbers up to 100 and start all user defined fills at 101, but it may be too late to make that work without too many compatibility nightmares.

It is best in any case to keep fill #85 set to some sort of empty fill since there are lots of parts out there that use this, and I expect that most of them will not change.
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I think the problem is the same, like in case of color tables with the new AC10 library. (BTW in the HUN library the default hatch for Empty fill is nr. 65 🙂
Have a look at:
You won't find a solution, I'm waiting for a tool from Graphisoft which can batch-redefine all default library part attributes like pen colors and materials...