Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2004-04-14 05:20 PM
2004-04-16 04:40 AM
2004-04-16 08:25 AM
Jay wrote:Hi Jay,
Is there a way in GDL to determine the name of the Display Option being used?
2004-04-16 04:24 PM
tsturm wrote:I would like to have a section in the Zone tool that would display the area only when the active Display Option's name is "Finish Plan, Print". It's just a simple trick to make the Zone tool behave differently depending on what Display Option I'm working in. I suppose it could be done based on the Layer Combo, or whether a particular layer is active. Hmmm....Karl?
What is unique about the settings you use that would activate this feature in your Zone tool?
2004-04-16 08:44 PM
Jay wrote:Ah, I see better what you want now Jay... and the available solution is awkward. If you really do need to have your part react to the current display settings, then the individual settings need to be queried - since the the display option combo name is not available (previous post). If you are using the name as a 'trick' -- having the exact same combination of display options assigned to two different names, but with one name having your part act one way and another name having it act another ... then there is currently no solution AFAIK other than to use a fake layer combo or set the visibility status of a fake layer as a 'flag'.
I would like to have a section in the Zone tool that would display the area only when the active Display Option's name is "Finish Plan, Print". It's just a simple trick to make the Zone tool behave differently depending on what Display Option I'm working in. I suppose it could be done based on the Layer Combo, or whether a particular layer is active. Hmmm....Karl?
2004-04-16 10:10 PM
Karl wrote:Okay, so how do program a GDL to check the visibility status of a particular layer? That would probably be fine for what I'm attempting, since there are certain layers that would only be visible on a finish plan.
... then there is currently no solution AFAIK other than to use a fake layer combo or set the visibility status of a fake layer as a 'flag'.
2004-04-16 11:23 PM
Jay wrote:GDL Dev kit and API dev kit on your own, or hire someone to implement the needed REQUEST. I haven't written a custom REQUEST before, so would be slower (more expensive) than someone like Ferenc Lazar who probably can do this in his sleep....
Okay, so how do program a GDL to check the visibility status of a particular layer? That would probably be fine for what I'm attempting, since there are certain layers that would only be visible on a finish plan.