2009-07-16 04:47 AM
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2009-07-16 08:18 AM
2009-07-16 08:20 AM
jerome_s wrote:I have never converted anything from sketchup but what the error is saying is there are too many parameters in the CALL function (highlighted red) as compared to the actual parameters in the object being called.
call "entrygateassembled_GDL",
PARAMETERS A = 5'-8.0000", B = 3'-4.9174", ZZYZX = 8'-0.0000",
AC_show2DHotspotsIn3D = 1, ac_bottomlevel = 3'-3.3701",
ac_toplevel = 0'-0.0000", ALFA_X = 1, ALFA_Y = 0,
ALFA_Z = 0, BETA_X = 0, BETA_Y = 1,
BETA_Z = 0, GAMMA_X = 0, GAMMA_Y = 0,
GAMMA_Z = 1, DELTA_X = -0, DELTA_Y = 2.255973186038E-017,
DELTA_Z = 0, SCALE_X = 1, SCALE_Y = 1,
SCALE_Z = 1, A_PARAMETER = 1.7272, B_PARAMETER = 1.039302762882,
Material_0 = ind(material,"SKP_default_12566463"), Material_1 = ind(material,"SKP_[Metal_Corrogated_Shiny]1"),
Material_2 = ind(material,"SKP_[Metal_Rough]"), Material_3 = ind(material,"SKP_[Color_E05]"),
Material_4 = ind(material,"SKP_Color_H09"), Material_5 = ind(material,"SKP_Color_008"),
Material_6 = ind(material,"SKP_Color_009"), Material_7 = ind(material,"SKP_*1"),
Material_8 = ind(material,"SKP_Color_002"), Material_9 = ind(material,"SKP_Black")
del 1
2009-07-16 08:48 AM