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GDL for Accessories add-on

Karl Wir_n
I'm working on a series of gdl-objects that uses the Accessories add-on. My first object was a wall accessory and it works fine. After that I've been studying the slab accessories in the accessories library.
These are my questions :
The parameter ac_coords has three columns. From looking at the values I recognize column no.2 and 3 as x- and y-coordinates. The first column though, has strange values ( 25.4 and 50.8 ). I guess they define the beginning of a hole, but is'nt it usually done with a status code of -1?
Is there any documentation on how to create accessory objects, explaining the parameters that provide the indata from the chosen slab, roof et c.?
Karl W
Not applicable
Hello Karl,

The odd mask values are in inches (to millimeters). Here is a part of Graphisoft's own code, there are 0", 1", 1 1/2" and 2" used:

	! -----------------------
	! Scan the input polygons
	! -----------------------
	for i=1 to vardim1(ac_coords)
		if ac_coords[1]>1 1/2" then cp_num=cp_num+1
	next i
	if cp_num=1 and (ac_coords[1][2]<>ac_coords[vardim1(ac_coords)][2] or ac_coords[1][3]<>ac_coords[vardim1(ac_coords)][3]) then
I have not found documentation about this matter, hope this helps.
Karl Wir_n
Thank's Juha,
now I know there's probably no documentation on the accessories add-on. I managed to get my script working by using parts from the objects in the acc. library. I still find it a bit strange using different fractions of inches for detecting the number of contours in the polygon. And is it only 1" and 2" that have a true meaning or are there other status codes hiding in the system? The add-on itself is very versatile so I think there should be more objects for it.
Karl Wirén
I worked on it to show the possibilities of it - the potential in it:

Grapisoft writes that there is no support or further developing of this - what is not really good for Archicad - i think..

Otherwise GDL should implement an real easy way to let the user operate polygonal elements exact like other Archicad-Tools like slab or roof-Tool with the normal pet-pal.

In V19 – Archicad implemented editing more polygonal elements with one single command. GDL should be enabled to be editited also with this workflow!

Then – the accessory-addon would become needless
AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia