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Help with script

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I may be being stupid but, I hope that someone v. kind can assist.

I have two variables h and lg, both controlled by user input and by hotspots in 3D. h is always less than lg, but the difference between the variables is not always the same, because the user can set either independently.

BUT... I want the difference between the two variables to remain the same when the user varies the larger of the two i.e. lg. The problem seems to be that if I establish the relationship, any increase in lg automatically affects the difference. I have tried PUTs and GETs but this one has me completely stumped.

Can anyone, PLEASE, help?

I am sorry I did not really pay enough attention when I wrote the reply yesterday.

the script in the parameter script window should go like this:

VALUES "lg" RANGE [0,h)
IF GLOB_MODPAR_NAME="lg" THEN PARAMETERS h=lg+old_diff,old_diff=h-lg

the first line limits the lg values to 0<=lg<h otherwise when lg>h you would get the error message
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That doesn't seem to work 100% either! The problem I now encounter is that there seems to be a restriction on the parameter lg. It's v. difficult to describe. I now find that changing lg also changes h, which is not what I want to do, I want lg to be changeable without affecting h, and h to change whilst affecting lg!

Ho-hum, I am beginning to lose heart, but thanks, once again, for your suggestion.

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Try this. not sure if i understood correctly the relationship priorites you want within your object.
Not fully tested, some weaks in case of minimal values, but hope this can help.
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Eureka! That script works.

Now I need to change the angles, and control the variables to prevent impossible conditions, but I reckon I can do that.

Thank you, Olivier and all contributors - my quest is over!!