Just make new (length) parameters in the main object;
and the main object's 3D-code;
!--calling lower left leg
add -a/2+ leg_x_dim/2, -b/2+leg_y_dim, 0
call 'legmacro' parameters a=leg_x_dim, b=leg_y_dim, zzyzx=leg_z_dim
del 1
!--calling lower right leg
add a/2- leg_x_dim/2, -b/2+leg_y_dim, 0
call 'legmacro' parameters a=leg_x_dim, b=leg_y_dim, zzyzx=leg_z_dim
del 1
In the 'legmacro.gsm' you have 3D-code;
add -a/2, -b/2, 0 !<--movement to centralize the leg
block a, b, zzyzx
del 1
!--the leg dimensions can be hard coded too -> so no need to make parameters 'leg_x_dim' , etc.
call 'legmacro' parameters a=0.03, b= 0.04, zzyzx=0.7
The point here is to have parameters of same name and type when transferring data; here A, B, ZZYZX.
You could also;
call 'legmacro' parameters
In this case the leg has the macro's default dimensions.
Hope this helps.