Hello all!
I have an old project drawn on ArchiCAD 13. Last year I edited it on AC15 and now when I opened it with ArchiCAD 16 the windows and the doors are missing (like always). I used to correct this by loading the file of the old library (.lcf file) but it does not work this way now. I tried to consolidate it - no result. I see several migration libraries from AC 11 to AC 16 listed but I don't know what to do in order to be able to see the windows and the doors again.
I'm aware that probably this is a much discussed topic, so if there is a link to such thread, I'll be glad if you can share it with me. I read the archiwiki post about the library misgrations but it was too complicatedly explained.
I work with AC 16 (I haven't updated it since I installed it last winter) on Win 7