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Modify Wall

Not applicable
I have seen reference to "modify wall" command, but haven't been able to find it under the edit menu, even if a wall is selected or the wall tool is active.

What am I missing? Is is a command that I have to add? I like to be able to alter direction of walls so that door label text reads correctly.

Not applicable
Thank you for replying.
I did notice the difference between the two Add-On Manager images
I tried sorting with alphabetical order selected but there are no
such commands listed.

I down loaded you Expert and expanded it.
It contains several .xml files and when opened show long lists of numbers
How do I use these files ?
Where do I put them ?
I apologies for my ignorance
Peter Devlin
Peter wrote:
How do I use these files ?
in your "Work Environment Profiles" dialogue, right at the top of the list in the WE dialogue well, choose 'Import'. navigate to the folder that was created when you unzipped my file and click 'Choose'.

you should now be presented with a dialogue that tells you AC has found several 'schemes' in that folder. continue to click OK to import them.

once this has completed you should see a new profile in the 'Stored Profiles' list . . . select it the newly created 'Expert 9' profile, click the button to 'Apply Schemes of Profile' and voilá.

BUT - if you're not even seeing those commands in your list, i very much doubt that this will do any good anyway.

try unloading that add-on by manually moving it out of the add-ons folder and relaunching archiCAD. then use the add-on manager to add it from the location you moved it to. during the process, add-on manager should tell you whereabouts it's stored the commands . . .

keep me posted.
b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
Thank you for the instructions.
It worked like a charm !!!!!
Using your scheme as a starting point
I made a custom WE to my liking.
Everything behaved itself like the manual claims.
One question. Where would you advise I keep the "Expert 9" folder ?
Thank you
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
Don and others using the US version of AC 9,

I posted a description of the problem to David Tauer at
Graphisoft US Technical Support and he posted back
that the "US Standard User Preferences 9" predefined scheme
is the equivalent of "Expert" in the Aus version and
presumably the Int version.
I selected "US Standard User Preferences 9" and Modify Wall
showed up in the edit menu.
The manual does not say that "US Standard User Preferences 9"
is equivalent to "Expert" in the Int and Aus versions.
According to the manual ,"Expert" allows access to all AC functions.
I had another predefined scheme selected thinking it was the equivalent.
So, thanks to Ben and David problem solved in two ways.
Thank you,
Peter Devlin
Peter wrote:
Where would you advise I keep the "Expert 9" folder ?
you can keep it anywhere you want. once you've imported it, archiCAD writes it into your preferences (~/Library/Preferences/Graphisoft/AC9.0.0 USA v1/Work Environment/...)

the file i gave you is just a backup now. i do tend to export a whole bunch of work environment profiles to a folder in my ~/Public/Templates/ folder. that way other people on my network can access them should they wish . . . or if i go to work on another machine i can import my WE profile to that machine without too much messing around.

glad it worked out!

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
Thanks guys! I now can modify walls.

mmmmmmm, now what else am I missing?


OSX 10.3.5
AC9 2018
2-1.8 G5
1971 Pantera