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Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

New at GDL

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I just started working in ArchiCAD 2 weeks ago. The office I work for is making the switch from AutoCAD to ArchiCAD. So I have started exploring GDL. I have managed to create a few objects so far. I wanted to post a cabinet I am creating to get some feedback on it.

HEY, another Jersey user!!

Can I ask a dumb question: why not use the cabinets that come with the program? Is there some other need you have? Have you looked at the Cabinet Builder from Objects Online?

Cabinets seem like a pretty hard GDL task to start out with.

You will probably get a lot more mileage out of it if you make an independent 2D script, but if you are still working out the 3D, you are probably OK for now. You will have a lot more control over how it looks and behaves.

That said, it looks pretty good!
Tom Waltz
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The Company I work designs science labs so they want to mimic what the casework manufacture creates. I have not really gotten into taking an exiting object in the library and editing it.

Along with the casework eventually we want the ability to add certain fixtures and equipment. Putting objects in the correct location is essential. They pretty much want objects that anyone can drop and drag them in.

Taking exiting objects and editing them probably a lot easier and I could have probably saved myself a lot of time. I have been taking this on the fly with no training like most people probably have.

The object will eventually have a 2D script written for it. I have just been concentrating on the 3D aspect of it.

I fugured it was something custom. Given the complexity of the Graphisoft objects, you may be better off doing your own.

you're absolutely right. Most people have little or no rea training. Luckily, there is minimal documentation in the PDF books that come on the Archicad CD.

You may also want to try to track down a copy of David Nicholson-Cole's book GDL Cookbook. It's out of print, and a little old, but has a ton onf information in it.
Tom Waltz
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In the meantime this link below will take you to the experimental web based swf version of the GDL cookbook.

It's not complete but the basics are there and very readable


David Coughlan

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