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Nurbssurface question

Nader Belal
Hi to all,

I have written this small code

Nurbssurface 	2, 	1,	3,	2,
				0, 	0,	0.5,0.5,1, 1, 
				0, 	1,	0,	1,	0, 1, 
				0, 			0.279506, 0, 		1,
				0, 			0.279506, 0.5207,	1,
				0.124078,	0.279488, 0, 		0.990676,
				0.124078,	0.279488, 0.5207,	0.990676,
				0.243544,	0.245977, 0,		1,
				0.243544,	0.245977, 0.5207,	1
But I´m getting this error message
Too many paraameters at line 1 in the 3D script of the file
I want to know what I have been doing wrong.

PS: The file doesn't have anything but that
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Daniel Kovacs
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

I think the problem is that you have too many knot_v values. According to the GDL user manual the number of knot values in each direction should be "mu = degree_u + 1 + nu":

In you case that should mean 6 for U direction and 4 for V direction, but for the latter you have 6 as well.

But to be honest, I don't think this code was intended for human use. I think this was actually created, so that when you import nurbs geometry from a Rhino file as an object, it could generate this code. Of course it is good to know how it works in case you needed to tweak it a bit or something, but I am not sure you'll be able to create a nurbs surface by hand with this command.

Good Luck anyways!
Daniel Alexander Kovacs

Professional Services Consultant


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Nader Belal
Thank you Daniel
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
GDL object called from grasshopper would also be a interesting way to use these nurbs function. Just thinking loud...