Hi all,
I am working to upload specially made objects to my projects and had problems when some have problems showing in 3D, some have neither 2D or 3D. Then I just deleted the folder I upload in embedded library.
After I have done that, I search the objects I delete just to make sure they are no there. But, they are still there in the object list and show that they are still in the embedded library. if I happen to click on any of those 'ghost' objects, Archicad just hangs and collapsed when it uses too many memory to run.
So, my questions are
1. How do I upload a library of objects in order that ALL have 2D and 3D? (I made these objects with morph and save as objects and transfer to another project.)
2. How do I clean my embedded library so that it is updated and those 'ghost' object would not be shown up as objects?
I hope I have explained well:? please enlight me if you happen to know anything that causes these problems.