Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.


Not applicable
Hello everyone, does anybody knows how to add objects to your library? im not sure where to save them, or how to save them. another question, does anybody knows a good webpage to download some good objects?

Never add objects to your library.
Never edit objects in your library.
Additions and object edits should be made in a new folder named "NEW STUFF LIBRARY" or whatever.

You might include this folder in the ArchiCAD Library Folder, but figure out a way to keep it distinct - when Graphisoft upgrades the library with a new ArchiCAD version, you will avoid diasterous confusion.

It is best to keep the new object folder totally separate and distinct from the ArchiCAD Library - use the Library manager to locate and select the distinct folder to load in addition to the standard library.
Dwight Atkinson
and reading more closely your question - aside from making objects with GDL script by opening the "New Object" dialog where saving is obvious, element groups can be saved from the 3D window by following File>GDL Objects>Save 3D model as.

Note that a top view is required.
Dwight Atkinson
Moderator Emeritus
eag58 wrote:
Hello everyone, does anybody knows how to add objects to your library? im not sure where to save them, or how to save them. another question, does anybody knows a good webpage to download some good objects?
Lots of them; check www.gdl-centrum.com, follow the Web Ring.


1. make new folders for new objects, load them as necessary: open Library Manager, drag the folder where the objects are (Local/LAN tab) from the list on the left into the loaded library list on the right, click on Reload
2. NEVER tamper with the default library; if you want to modify default objects, save them to new folder(s)
3. ALWAYS create project specific library (a simple folder called projectanme.lib within the project folder)


ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Thanks so much for the tips guys, im glad i didnt mess with the library, do you know any more websites to download objects by any chance?
Not applicable
Hey everybody, i found many things i would like to use in some of my archicad models, but i just dont quite get how to add an object to the library so it can be used, evertime i download an object i get a winzip file with many different things, do i need to save all of this in my computer? and if i download lets say 3 objects with 5 files each do i put all of them in one single folder? and how do i load them into my model?

Thanks so much
Aussie John
Put/save your new objects into a folder created by yourself. folders can be nested for organisational purposes. Then open The library manager (in Archicad), locate the parent folder and add it to the list in the right hand column. Then load library.
I am not sure why you have multiple files after unzipping but they could be macros to the main object. if youare not sure if you dont want them just omit then extras and see how it goes. You can always put them in later if you find the object saying it cant find a particular file.
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA : www.arina.biz
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019
a typical arrangement would go something like this:

each project file has three loaded libraries . . .
  • the default archiCAD library left untouched after the install for future seamless upgrade, but included because some of the archiCAD functionality resides in it's library objects.
  • an office library. developed over time from useful objects that will be used more than once across projects, object 'tools' that you've made, etc. this would be a folder/directory you've made yourself, possibly organised internally when your library has grown.
  • the project-specific library where you store the odd bits of junk you've made especially for that project.
of course it's also conceivable that 'an odd bit of project-specific junk' might get dredged up for a future project, developed and made useful enough to include in the office library.

additionally, you may have one big client for many jobs - you should probably make a fourth <client name> library for projects like this. it all goes toward keeping a clear distinction, and thus a clearer picture in your mind, about how your jobs are organised . . . and also provides a framework for future jobs.

i wouldn't recommend touching the default archiCAD library at all. although that said, i've got so [censored]-off with the usability of the steel components that i've modified them and replaced them in the archiCAD library PLA . . . but that's another story

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
...so this is what I have gleaned from the above information -- kindly reply with any suggestions:

-- Keep the default AOL available untouched as backup.
-- The AOL on the network is modified by removing all customized objects – only default objects remain (along with macros, master GDL scripts, etc.).
-- The OSL on the network will contain the customized objects (among other things). An OSL object will carry an identifier code (_OSL) at the end of its name to reference the source library and as an indication that it has been altered.

For example, I have customized the Listing Parameters of all our doors and windows so that they can be used in conjunction (with IS) with our standard schedules. In every other way, these are still the default AOL objects, but by moving them out of the default library, I avoid duplication and ensure that the correct object is used. By renaming the customized object, I ensure that it will not be inadvertently over-written during future upgrades.

Of course, I’ll keep a copy of the original AOL on my computer just-in-case.
MacBook Pro Apple M2 Max, 96 GB of RAM
AC27 US (5003) on Mac OS Ventura 13.6.2
Started on AC4.0 in 91/92/93; full-time user since AC8.1 in 2004