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Parking Place 15 library part - 2D display discrepancy

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Hi All

I believe there's a glaring omission with the library part "Parking Place 15", or something that is causing a discrepancy in the way that it displays in 3D vs 2D.

Problem is as follows:

I've setup a 3D document to use as a site plan - this is a view created from the 3D window looking directly down at the site

(as per this post: )

Then I placed the parking lines with numbering turned on. The numbering looks fine in the 2D plan window, but looks different in the 3D window.

This is because there's obviously a 2D and 3D representation of the object, but becuase there are no setting for the 3D text, this means that there is no way to edit the 3D appearance to match the 2D. So now I have to make a work around (i.e turn it off in 3D and re-draw it in the 3D document window as 2D elements)

Or am I missing something here?
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
Confirmed the bug that you found in this object. Will report it, but here's a fix:

In the 3D script, as shown in the attached screenshot, replace:
		add 2*sw,sw,0
		add tl,tb,0
to position the numbers at the same spot as in 2D (although they will be the same outline font). The existing code always placed the number 2 stripe-widths to the right of a stripe, and one stripe-width above the end of the stripe. The corrected code uses the user specified offset values to move the numbers.

One way to easily make the change in a new object is to place a Parking Place 15, select it, open its code via the menus or ctrl-shift-O (oh) / cmd-shift-O. After making the change, do a Save As into your embedded library.

Finally, select your existing, customized parking place objects (one at a time), open Object Settings, navigate to the Embedded library and (ctrl-alt / cmd-option) into the thumbnail for your modified object. Click OK. The corrected object will replace the placed object with all customization you had done earlier.

If there is another bug, please post here - I'll link this thread to the bug report.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Not applicable
Excellent! thanks Karl.
Not applicable
There's one more minor bug, aside from the font issue, is the text orientation. In 2D it can be set to be always readable or to align with the object. In 3D the text can only be aligned with the object which results in text being upside down or at an angle...
Not applicable
Further to this issue - the 2D rotation of text does not seem to work with the AC15 Parking library part - a user has to renumber a large series of parking numbers that were originally drawn as 2d lines and Text - I suggested they use the library part to speed things up, but now the orientation in plan does not seem to work. The options are Readable or Align with object. Presumably the 'Readable' option would show the text vertical regardless of the orientation of the object, but it doesn't seem to work. Or is something else overriding it?

Karl do you know of a GDL fix for this?
While your at it... PLEASE include an "upgrade" to this object that merely adds a parameter for TOTAL SPACES...

I believe this is a huge omission in that if you want to count the TOTAL spaces on a site with many little snippets of parking, you really can't..

I know, you sequence the numbering, but during design, this fluctuates all over the place.. and editing a snippet at the beginning of the sequence, will cause havoc...

If there is a DERIVED PARAMETER that shows total spaces, this can be used in Interactive Scheduling to keep a current count...

And, while were providing this upgrade, please give us the option to Display
a. Total Spaces (as a dimension (sort of) or as a bullet number
b. Space numbering (as current object)
c. Both

My 2 pennies worth...!

Visual Frontiers

AC25 :|: AC26 :|: AC27
:|: Enscape3.4:|:TwinMotion

DellXPS 4.7ghz i7:|: 8gb GPU 1070ti / Alienware M18 Laptop
I have been editing and changing that object's options over the years to fit my needs and likings. The version I use helps for rapid layout development. For the text alignment I made a few options: off(aligned with symbol), horizontal (regardless of object's rotation), vertical (90°) and -90° for special cases. The rotation of the 3D text would be weird. Rotation on plan is representative (or for reading purposes), but 3D would be linked to renderings and 3D documents, and I assume the numbering would always be aligned to the parking space. It has a parameter for schedules, but as noted, independent object renumbering is a real pain, so I made the ID usable as numbering starting point. It's faster.

The fixes are not that hard, but require a bit of GDL hassle. I don't know if I can post it, as it is a modified version of the original part of the AC library.


if you have a large parking layout, or a site with many little snippets of parking, as Duane puts it, and you need to keep track and count, you can use this parking object I made, it's really complex, but helps A LOT:

Best regards.
sinceV6 wrote:
....It has a parameter for schedules, but as noted, independent object renumbering is a real pain, so I made the ID usable as numbering starting point. It's faster.


Best regards.
I had been using PARKING PLACE, which has not NUMBER OF SPACES parameter... So, snooping around, I found PARKING STALL which does... Not sure why there are two objects?

Visual Frontiers

AC25 :|: AC26 :|: AC27
:|: Enscape3.4:|:TwinMotion

DellXPS 4.7ghz i7:|: 8gb GPU 1070ti / Alienware M18 Laptop
vfrontiers wrote:
sinceV6 wrote:
....It has a parameter for schedules, but as noted, independent object renumbering is a real pain, so I made the ID usable as numbering starting point. It's faster.


Best regards.
I had been using PARKING PLACE, which has not NUMBER OF SPACES parameter... So, snooping around, I found PARKING STALL which does... Not sure why there are two objects?
I meant the object I edited.

Still, in the object, that fix is relatively simple:

Create a new parameter to store the total (although this will be per object), integer type, variable name: totalCount
In the parameter script, just write:
PARAMETERS totalCount = inner_num
*inner_num is a variable calculated in the beginning of the master script.

You can then use this parameter in schedules.
Best regards.
Got it V6...

And yes, I have done that every release since 11... That's the ugh part...

Visual Frontiers

AC25 :|: AC26 :|: AC27
:|: Enscape3.4:|:TwinMotion

DellXPS 4.7ghz i7:|: 8gb GPU 1070ti / Alienware M18 Laptop