I have a problem opening DXF objects as library parts. This problem has existed since version 8. Version 7 did not have this same problem. The problem relates to the DXF object arriving in as a library object incorrectly and slightly jumbled.
I first noticed this problem in version 7.
I was advised to only bring the DXF object in as a "Binary 3D". this worked fine and the object arrived in clean and tidy.
However the same problem is occurring in version 8 and 8.1 despite ensuring the imports are set for "Binary 3D".
Version 7 used a different type of text based configuration file. Version 8 and 8.1 are using a new *.XML type translation file. It seems that the version 8 and 8.1 are ignoring the settings in the translation info box and trying to import the DXF with the GDL option no matter which option I set.
Can any one help????