2004-03-02 02:38 AM
2004-03-02 06:56 PM
Jeff wrote:Strictly speaking, a Zone is a Per storey element and should not show on all stories. It describes a space; if you calculate areas, even a multistorey space (airwell, stairwell, whateverwell) will be shown and listed in each storey area list separately.
I would like to get a Zone to show on all stories. How do I do this or is there a simple GDL script to add to that particular Zone?
Jeff wrote:No need to type it up; tweaking the "rooms by stories" does the job ...
The purpose is I want to create a "Project Data" table with the square footages of the areas referenced from the zone info. I know many people would just type up this table but I am trying to be as automated as possible with AC. Is there a better way?