Libraries & objects
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Subtype functions/handlers

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Is there somewhere a list of GDL subtypes
with a description of the special functions or handlers
associated with some of those subtypes ?

We all know what functions are associated with
the "Opening" subtypes Door(Wall), Window(Wall), Skylight etc,
but what would "Mesh Opening" or "Slab Opening" be ?
Can one write a script for a GDL object that would
punch a hole in a mesh in 2D and 3D simply
by assigning it the "Mesh Opening" subtype ?
What special rules would apply to scripting such an object ?

Thank you,
Peter Devlin
I just spent a few minutes trying to trick the slab opening subtype into working. No go.

I tried SLABHOLE, and got the "Missing CALL keyword" warning, i.e., no such thing. Near future I hope.
James Murray

Archicad 27 • Rill Architects • macOS •
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Thanks for replying.
I guess these subtypes are for "future implementation".
We have seen this sort of thing before in Archicad.
The implementation of the "d" parameter for
the CUTPOLYA command comes to mind.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
Peter wrote:
Thanks for replying.
I guess these subtypes are for "future implementation".
Hi Peter and James,

I have asked for this in the past, an yes this is for futur implementation, just in case.
Looks like for primitive elements, "reserved bits for later use".
I asked for this one too, but without success.
Not applicable
Hello Olivier,
Thanks for the confirmation.
The "future" will be interesting.
Peter Devlin