Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Tip: "invisible" objects in browser - how to get r

Probably some of AC users (8.1 - PC) suffer from an error causing that the objects are invisible when browsing them from the object tool properties (not pla files but folders).
I do not know if anyone published it yet - but I have found out how to get rid of the error.
Simply delete the "cache" files that are created in library folder by AC when first loading the particular library - if such file is incorrect in one of the loaded libraries - all of the objects in the loaded libraries are "invisible" in browser window - noo icons, no names - just folders.

Probably converting parts to 8.1 would correct the problem too, but I need to be "backward compatible" as much as I can.

Piotr Dobrowolski