2010-01-11 04:20 PM
2010-01-13 04:01 AM
Dwight wrote:Just the ones in the shape of buildings.Matthew wrote:So that is what women on your planet look like.
That building appears to be in the shape of a supine woman. Is that allowed over there?
2010-01-13 06:16 AM
2010-01-13 02:08 PM
Shelman wrote:Again, try OBJECTiVE for this exercise. If you refer to the attached image, you can create profiles that can be rotated, bent, twisted, and cut to complex complex forms. Note that same can be done with the bundled steel objects - the beams have been bent to the roof curve and twisted in cross-section to follow the building profile. I can provide more detailed instructions if you're interested.
i need to cover that curve column by a smooth surface . how could i make it easy and fast ?
2010-01-14 06:01 AM