I'm sorry, not able to determine the precise cause or give any substantial help, I do have some advice that's probably too late:
. You should have backups!
- You're running an old version of Archicad on a system (I'd guess an Intel Mac) that wasn't even imagined when the program was released. This makes it vulnerable.
- If it's an Intel mac, AC9 is running in the "emulated PowerPC environment" called Rosetta, which translates the program's processor instructions to the Intel processor in the machine. This makes the system even more vulnerable.
- You're using characters that are reserved for the operating system (the . dot) in file names. This is dangerous, it might confuse any program or system and screw up any part of the Save process. This is probably the cause for the issue you are having, where a folder including its contents seems to have been overwritten by a file.
The recommendation is to NEVER use anything but ordinary letters or mumbers in file or folder names. No dots, no slashes, colons etc, preferably not even spaces. If you must, ordinary hyphens - , or underscore _ characters may be used, but nothing else.
- To fix this, probably the only way now is to find a backup. The best new feature of Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard was the introduction of the Time Machine backup system. You were prompted to activate it when you installed the system, or when you first started the machine if you bought it with Leopard installed. If you had TimeMachine activated, you should be able to find your objects there. If not, I do hope you had some other backup.
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1