Yes, but not to the resolution you might like.
If you take hull cross sections at small intervals, you can build what LOOKS like a smooth hull in a rendering by using the mesh tool, but the analytic views will always show facets. You CAN hide the interior mesh lines, but this is imperfect. In any event, the only curved edge will be the outer mesh edges - the others will have facets.
The GDL routine to create a smoothly curved surface is called COONS, but there is no interactive tool to create a COONS, and it is not suited to technical accuracy.
Most ArchiCAD objects with smoothly curved surfaces have been derived from models built in other modeling programs.
Of course, we have Maxonform now and it is easy to build these shapes using it.
BTW: while sailboat hulls might have doubly-curved surfaces, most powerboats have single-arcing and flat components forced together using chines and strakes to make a stable hull.
Dwight Atkinson