2011-12-01 08:03 PM
cprism_ mat_, mat_, mat_, 5, zzyzx, 0'-0.0000", 0'-0.0000", 15, depth, 0'-0.0000", 15, depth, b, 15, 0'-0.0000", b, 15, 0'-0.0000", 0'-0.0000", -1I made a new object for a beam, I used the same script but added a rotate command
rotx 90 cprism_ mat_, mat_, mat_, 5, zzyzx, 0'-0.0000", 0'-0.0000", 15, depth, 0'-0.0000", 15, depth, b, 15, 0'-0.0000", b, 15, 0'-0.0000", 0'-0.0000", -1now in 3d my hotspots are all messed up and it does not stretch. I have been working on this going back and forth for hours. What am I doing wrong?
2011-12-01 09:04 PM
2011-12-01 09:48 PM
2011-12-01 11:06 PM
2011-12-01 11:22 PM
2011-12-02 09:04 PM
beam mat_, mat_, mat_, mat_, mat_, depth, 0,b,b,0, 0,0,a,a,.5, 15,15,15,15 !bottom HOTSPOT 0,0,0,unID=unID+1 HOTSPOT 0,a,0,unID=unID+1 HOTSPOT b,a,0,unID=unID+1 HOTSPOT b,0,0,unID=unID+1 !top HOTSPOT 0,0,depth,unID=unID+1 HOTSPOT 0,a,depth,unID=unID+1 HOTSPOT b,a,depth,unID=unID+1 HOTSPOT b,0,depth,unID=unID+1What am I missing here?I just want this beam to stretch in the length direction. the width and depth will be fixed.
2011-12-02 10:39 PM
2011-12-03 01:14 PM
Dave wrote:
Attached is a script for an LVL beam with moveable hotspots for length.
Open it up and take a look. I tend to script everything on the XY plane
and then rotate it up 90 degrees. That's why you will see ROT commands
in the script.
2011-12-03 08:18 PM