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Dave Seabury
since ‎2010-02-18
2 weeks ago

User Statistics

  • 190 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 2 Likes given
  • 19 Likes received

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Trying to get the height of the rough opening into a schedule. I have a property with the following expression, W/D Nominal Sill Height - .375in. The schedule will give the correct height of the sill but will not subtract the .375 for the rough openi...
Setting up some files in AC26 and I see how to create a new folder in the Profile Manager but how do you delete, move or rename a folder? Thanks for your help David
Haven't seen this one before and I can not figure out what is causing it.modeling some tile on a shower wall. The tile itself is a separate wall placeon the framed wall. The first image is the 3d window, the tile section on theleft is 1/32"off the ot...
A builder that I am currently working with asked me if I could add a value to the window schedule for bottom of header elevation. Seemed simple enough, I just need to schedule the elevation of the top of the wallhole. I can schedule the head of the w...
Updating some windows and doors in our custom Library. I have never been able to figure out how to get these objects to schedule the zone name/number. I have noticed that if the zone boundary completely surrounds the window or door it will schedule, ...