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metal roof deck/Profiler/archiFORMA

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For those who can remember,..

Still working on AC7.0r3v3, and I have created metal roof deck (which is exposed) in Profiler. Problem is, I can't get it to slope in the long direction. I realize that Profiler only extrudes parallel to the plan view, and when my deck profile itself slopes, Profiler works great. But when the deck slopes in the long direction I am out of luck. Tried to modify the GDL script, but the best I could do was to move the whole section in the 'z' direction, not just the one end to get the appropriate slope (imperial-1/8" per foot).

Does anyone remember what the script language is to rotate in this manner? I really am a novice with GDL, so all of my attempts have been trial and many errors. Also read in the forum that I could use ArchiFORMA but Cigraph says it is not available anymore. Anyone have an old copy of ArciFORMA I could purchase for use to solve this problem?


Christopher Sipes
Keystone Architecture, Inc
Perkasie, PA

AC 7.0r3v3, Mac OS9.1, PPC8500/180,288MBRAM,6GB HD
David Pacifico
I can't test it, but have you tried putting in the 3D script:


If you want to rotate it 33 degrees in the x direction.

ROTY if you want it rotated in the Y direction.

If you make the 33 a variable like C then add a parmeter then you'll be able to control it from the Object settings.

Also you may want to add to the 2D Script:

PROJECT2 3,270,2

to get the 2D symbol
David Pacifico, RA

AC27 iMac i9, 32 gig Ram, 8 gig video Ram
Not applicable

Thanks for the reply, but no luck. Tried the ROT command for x,y,and z and it never moved. Btw, realized I need to apply the same solution to metal roof edge, too.

David Pacifico
If you could post an image or 2 it might help us understand what your trying to do.
David Pacifico, RA

AC27 iMac i9, 32 gig Ram, 8 gig video Ram
Not applicable
Sorry for the exclusion of an image. This is a 1/4 scale section, 120'-0" long, so I suspect the jpeg will be small. Anyway, the problem is the metal roof deck, in green, does not slope (a limitation of Profiler). I used the deck profile to extrude a 4'-0" wide deck (x direction), 120'-0" long (z direction) and 1 1/2" high(y direction). If I sloped the deck profile itself (y), and the roof sloped in that direction, then no problem. In this case the roof slope is perpendicular to the roof deck profile (z direction). Profiler generated a GDL script, but I can't figure out how to rotate it in the script, not to mention how to slope it in the correct direction.

I can send a separate email if this doesn't work so that you could see the jpeg better. I also have a short cross section perpendicular to this one showing the metal deck profile, but can't figure how to attach it to this.

I read earlier posts that said archiFORMA would do the trick, but can't find it for ac7.0.

Thanks for any help.


AC7.0r3v3, Macos9.1, ppc8500/180, 288 MB RAM, 4 GB hd
The entire x x.1 check sect.JPG
Not applicable
Oh here is the section I thought I attached.

so here are the two sections. This is much more descriptive.
Karl Ottenstein
David's instructions work correctly.

Here's the deal: if you extrude along the y-axis, then you want to rotate about the x axis. Put:

ROTX ang

at the top of your 3D script, where 'ang' is the slope angle as measured in your section. Since this is a 1-off object, there's no point getting fancy and making it parametric.

You will not see the result until you rebuild the 3D view.

(Similarly, if you extruded along the x axis, the you want a ROT Y.)

After you've created your extrusion, select it, press command-shift-O to open the object, click on the 3D script, insert the line indicated above, and close/save.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Scott Boyd Turner
Why not use the roof surfacer accessory.

In 8.1 in Extras Menu - Accessories - Roof Surfacer.

1- use roof tool to create roof plane sloping at required angle.
2- select roof created
3- Extras Menu - Accessories - Roof Surfacer
4- select / edit required parameters.

advantage of this tool is that if you edit the roof shape, slope, holes etc the surfacer object will update to match

MSI Creator ZP16, i7-12700H, 32GB RAM, RTX 3070 8GB
Not applicable
Karl and David

Thank you. David-I never checked the plan view. I re-tried it, and this time I looked at the floor plan, and there it was rotated and all. Just had to rotate it into position, and it was the correct slope in the section.

Karl, one other thing,...when I rotated it into position in the plan, the fill that was under the roof deck lines and the fill handles were out of sync with the deck lines. How do I reconcile that? I can send jpeg if it would help.

Thanks a TON


AC7.0r3v3, MacOS9.1, PPC 8500/180, 288MB RAM, 4GB HD
David Pacifico
I think you next need to add the Project2 command to the 2D Script and "comment out" any other script.

Step 1: open the 2D script and on the top line type: PROJECT2 3,270,2
Step 2: If there is other code in the 2D script simply put ! in front of every line. This tells archiCAD to ignore that line of code. It's called commenting out becuase people will use ! to make a comment or note to themselves or others looking at the code.

The Project2 command tells ArchiCAD to make the 2D symbol based on the top down view of the object, so it is always in the same postion as the 3D.
David Pacifico, RA

AC27 iMac i9, 32 gig Ram, 8 gig video Ram