a month ago
SEO (Solid Element Operations) overrides the surface of the complex profile that it is cutting through. We have a SEO roof plane cutting through our CMU block complex profile. I want the elements of the complex profile (shown complete on the left), to basically extrude and show the profiled materials up until the CMU block is cut by the SEO plane. Why does SEO automatically override the surface, even with surface overrides turned off?
In my quick research through the forums, this seems like a long term problem in Archicad where SEO either applies the inherited surface from the operator, or overrides the profile to only show one surface from the target. Any help is appreciated!
Operating system used: Windows 28.3120
a month ago
@nate-h wrote:
In my quick research through the forums, this seems like a long term problem in Archicad where SEO either applies the inherited surface from the operator, or overrides the profile to only show one surface from the target. Any help is appreciated!
That is correct.
But if you use the 'Connect > Trim To Roof' option, you will get all of the skins of the wall.
But be aware that the 'Connect' option uses the roof trimming body.
It also takes into account the building material strengths, so you can see in my example the air space and external brick skins are stronger that the roof, so they actually cut the roof before the connection is applied.
The connection trim is to the top surface of the roof, unless the roof building materials are stronger than those in the wall.