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problem creating custom gdl object using archicad tools.!!!

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I have made a very complex model in archicad using many gdl objects I created from the standard archicad tools. At first all were fine but after two days of working in the project, archicad started to give me errors about the gdl 3d script in these objects. The most common error is the fault in 17 line of 3d script. I dont know the gdl language so I cannot repair the objects. The question first is why the archicad find these errors in my custom gdl objects? some they are very simple geometry objects, like a rail created with a slab tool and rotated 90 degrees. Now I have found middle solution for these errors and I export these objects in .3ds file, opened in 3dstudio max, clean isolated vertices etc. and return them back into my archicad project with the 3ds import plugin. After that I dont get errors, but I continue to have problem exporting the whole model in artlantis format to render it. Artlantis export plugin for some reason dont like my custom gdl objects and give me the ' cannot write output file error'. And if I not load my gdl custom library parts it exports the artlantis file sucessfully.
I hope someone had the same problem as me and help me. Im sorry for the long post.
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It would be very helpful to show us this particular line of the 3D script.
Therefore, select one of your 'faulty' objects and choose File > Libraries and Objects > Open object. Then open the 3D script window, choose Edit and next Go to line : '17'. Copy that part and some of the lines above/below...
David Maudlin

You should also post a screen shot of the error message, it may contain other useful information.

You should add a Signature to your Profile (click the Profile button near the top of this page) with your ArchiCAD version and operating system (see mine for an example) for more accurate help in this forum.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
thanks for reply.As I said now I am not getting errors because I have converted the most of the gdl parts as one block 3ds and imported again through 3ds-import as one gdl object. The problem is that archicad still dont want to export the file to artlantis and It does not give any error log to see whats happens.I tried the following and had very strange inexplicable
results. At first I tried to unload all the library parts, I selected a single wall for example and tried to export but I still get the same cannot write file output error!!! Then I tried to open a second instance of archicad 12, with a clean new file, and tried to copy some elements (walls,slabs etc.) from my file and for some strange reason when I opened the 3d window to see those elements in 3d they where something like distorted, mostly on the materials were flikering. After that I started to think that my file I working is damaged. I tried to downgrade version file to AC11, and opened the file with the archicad 11 without any libraries loaded at first, and finally archicad 11 exported the model to artlantis file without errors. Then I converted my library parts to 11 version through library development kit and when I loaded them in archicad 11 and tried to export the artlantis file I got the same error as in AC12 (cannot write file output). Also I tried to isolate which gdl part produce the problem, but as I loaded all of them one by one, they all produced the file write error. this is very strange! Anyone know whats happening here?? I am so lucky that I hit a bug in the program ????????? I can also send my PLA file to someone here if he wants to examine it, or to open it in archicad 13 and try to export, because I dont have AC13 to try it.
thanks for reading my problem.

Not applicable
I attach some screenshots also about the problem:

save as attempt with all libraries loaded:

save as attempt with all libraries loaded and only one wall selected in 3d:

save as attempt with no libraries loaded:
David Maudlin

Given the method and problems you have posted, this is not a GDL issue, but an export issue. You should post this to a different part of the forum, but first you should search "3ds-import" and similar terms to see if this problem has been encountered before.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
David wrote:
Given the method and problems you have posted, this is not a GDL issue, but an export issue.
David, are you sure? I have an object called ImacG5 and if placed on plan I get the same Artlantis output error. Delete object = nice export...
Erika Epstein
Joeri wrote:
David wrote:
Given the method and problems you have posted, this is not a GDL issue, but an export issue.
David, are you sure? I have an object called ImacG5 and if placed on plan I get the same Artlantis output error. Delete object = nice export...
Did you try the Artlantis Forum or the appropriate section in this forum for Artlantis questions?
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"
Not applicable
Me? No
I don't have any problem exporting to Artlantis. I just know of that particular object problem... I'm still referring to the start of this topic and my question "It would be very helpful to show us this particular line of the 3D script.
Therefore, select one of your 'faulty' objects and choose File > Libraries and Objects > Open object. Then open the 3D script window, choose Edit and next Go to line : '17'. Copy that part and some of the lines above/below...".

I don't know why sazistas is posting the screen shots. Indeed they belong in an other topic.
David Collins
How's the guy supposed to know where to post if he doesn't know what the problem is? (And the less said about the Artlantis forum, the better, especially with Sjaak no longer moderating there.)


The "cannot write output file" message usually means the Artlantis export plug-in can't find the memory it needs to do the job. Exporting large models from ArchiCAD can be challenging, especially if you are using large texture maps. Try exporting one layer at a time:
-Quit ArchiCAD and re-open. Stay in the 2d view.
-Turn on just the layer you want to export.
-Open the 3d view. A wireframe view will be quicker.
-Export the layer to Artlantis
-Repeat for each layer: quitting and reopening ArchiCAD before each export.
-Merge the exported layers in Artlantis using "merge geometry from"

The point of this is to keep the triangle count down and to have OpenGL load just the textures used by that one layer. If you open the entire model and then turn off layers while in 3d, all of the model's textures will still remain loaded in the memory. This can eat up the memory you need to export the model. Exporting one layer at a time can also help identify problematic GDL, if that turns out to be an issue as well.
David Collins

Win10 64bit Intel i7 6700 3.40 Ghz, 32 Gb RAM, GeForce RTX 3070
AC 27.0 (4001 INT FULL)