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wallhole command & IFC format

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I recently discovered that custom windows, If use wallhole command, been converted from the IFC format, in Tekla BIMsight, the wall openings disappear.
Does anyone have dealt with this problem, how to solve?
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Same problem here. Opening that is working perfectly
in ArchiCAD 13 is buggy in version 15-16 when exported
to IFC (works in ArchiCAD). The geometry of the opening
is transferred but some of the openings is missing the hole.

The reason seems to be a changed behavior of
the WALLHOLE command. It reacts differently for the
direction of the opening -> rotating and mirroring points
the WALLHOLE out of the wall in IFC.

I succeeded to fix some bugs using WALLNICHE command,
but it is quite laborous to get things corrected.

To be honest I wish some hotfix or at least documentation
about these changes from GS.
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