GS needs to 'add' a feature in the 'Section Marker tool' dialogue similar to what is already under 'Show Grid Elements' subheading where there is a check box labeled; 'Auto stagger grid markers if they overlap.'
It might be called; 'Auto stagger story markers in Section if they overlap.'
It would make sense to include it within the 'Story Levels' portion of the Marker tool in conjunction with selecting or loading a story marker.
Also a long standing wish.
ArchiCAD 12 2523 USA Full + 11, 10, 9 & 7, Mac G5 Dual 2.3 Ghz, 1.5 Gb OSX.4.11, HP T1100, Epson R1800
Mark R. Wallace AIA
Mark R. Wallace AIA
MacBook 2.53 Ghz, Intel Core i5, 8 Gb,
Mac OSX (Sierra 10.12.6,
ArchiCAD 22 USA Full, +21, & 20.