About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

3D doesn´t apear

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HI, I´m working with archicad 10 and after doing the plan of my project i tried to see the 3D and it doesn´t show up. Does anyone had already this problem?
Tough break.
How are you trying to view the 3D?
Are you making an axonometric view or a perspective?

If it is a perspective and you don't see anything, it is probable that the camera is aimed wrong.

Your best way to fix this is to place a camera in the plan using the camera tool and aim it at the model. Select it and THEN ask for a 3D view.

Since you are new, I might also ask you a really basic question: Are you actually making 3D elements, like walls, in your plan?
Dwight Atkinson
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IF the issue IS w/the camera looking off into space instead of at the model a simple 'zoom all' once you've opened the 3D window will also reset the camera.

also, you could try switching the rendering engine from/to the internal vs. openGL to see if that has any affect
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I´m triyng to see the perspective, the axonometric view works. I already tried to change the camera and it still doesn´t apear. Maybe I torned something off or not. I dont really know. But if I open a new file it apears, but in this dont.
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If you go to 3D projection settings (View> 3D view mode> 3D projection settings) you'll see where the camera is directed. Point it the right way and make sure camera height and target height are appropriate.
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I had same problem few times - I can see axonometric but perspective doesn't show. Like camera is lost in space - navigator shows some weird lines, not usual camera.
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I have gotten lost in perspective a few times as well/
The way I fix it is to put a camera on the floor plan and set it up the way I want it- then view the model though the camera. This resets your 3D model.

I also find if you set your perspective 3D as a VIEW- then everytime you want to see it open it through the navigator and you will start out in the same spot everytime.

I also find that you will get lost less if you navigate through perspective with your little explorer dude, ratehr than trying to pan and zoom with the mouse.
David Maudlin
This problem is covered in this thread:
perspective view bug?


David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14