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AC10 No longer biased toward selected item?

Brad Elliott
I'm trying to get productive in AC10. I still can't believe they removed all the key commands for the tools. So now I get to put them back.

Anyway, One of the good things in 8 & 9 was that when you had an object selected it was the default item to be grabbed when you went to manipulate the object. Such as my slab that is aligned under my exterior wall. Now I'm having an extremely difficult time selecting the slab without it defaulting to and selecting the wall above. Is anyone else having this problem?
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro
Not applicable
Pete wrote:
Similarly, I cannot seem to select a roof and then edit the pivot line. I'll start a new thread on that (after checking for an existing one).
This has to do with wether or not you have your roof pivot lines "on" in the onscreen view options. It should edit since the pivot line show up when a roof is selected regardless of this toggle, but it does not. Notice that you cannot snap to the pivot line in this condition as well.
Not applicable
Chazz wrote:
All of this points to the importance of using a schmillion button mouse and programing at least two of those buttons to address this issue: One to collect the attributes (the eyedropper tool) and the other to inject the attributes to another element (the syringe tool). This way you can, in many instances, select the element and activate its tool very quickly. Also very useful is programing a button to act as a Shift-click. this was way you can build up selection sets quickly and without touching the keyboard.
What is a schmillion button mouse? In 9 you could select an item and then option/alt click to capture the parameters and it would preferentially get the parameters from the selected item. This unfortunately does not seem to be the case in 10.
Mike wrote:
What is a schmillion button mouse?
OK, I exaggerate.... maybe an 8 or 10 button mouse.
Mike wrote:
In 9 you could select an item and then option/alt click to capture the parameters and it would preferentially get the parameters from the selected item. This unfortunately does not seem to be the case in 10.
Yes, but selecting was a little-hit-or-miss. In AC 10 it works for me just fine but the methodology is definitely a little different:

1) With the arrow tool, hover over the edge (mercedes cursor) you want to edit. Wait a sec to get the heavy line.

2) Hit the tab until you get the element you want to edit. To choose it hit the enter key (notice you haven't clicked anything yet).

3) Option+ Click (Mac) to pick up the parameters and make that tool active and proceed with your editing.

This seems to work every time. I'm not seeing the bug or inconsistency others are reporting. My experience on AC10 is limited but I'm just not seeing the inconsistency when using this method.
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
I have success with that method, and a moment of patience brings success for anyone. However, that method - hover and pause - seems to be too "girly" for many of our users.
Dwight Atkinson
Dwight wrote:
hover and pause - seems to be too "girly" for many of our users.
Here in California -the Peoples Republic of Schwarzenegger -we call them Girly Mans.
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
Dwight wrote:
a moment of patience brings success for anyone...
As is true with many other things..... However, after dinking with this more it appears that you need not wait. Just get the Mercedes and drive (that is Tab) away.
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
That "pause" part is why old guys don't drive stock cars.
Or at least win.
Dwight Atkinson